Help Make This Vision a Reality
- Imagine that we could preserve a part of Nevada’s rural heritage of ranching and mining right here in the capital city of Nevada.
- Imagine open space that provides a variety of passive recreation and trail uses that are balanced with existing agricultural uses and protection of the Carson River ecosystem.
- Imagine a historic landscape providing educational and interpretive experiences for generations yet to come.
The community-wide planning efforts of Creating a Community Vision: Silver Saddle Ranch and the Carson River identified goals to:
- Preserve and enhance the area’s scenic, natural, undeveloped character.
- Protect and enhance the Carson River ecosystem including associated upland areas.
- Provide for a variety of trail uses, passive recreation opportunities and events that are compatible with preserving the character of the area and protecting natural resources.
- Preserve the area’s cultural heritage and resources.
- Improve on-site educational and interpretive opportunities.
- Manage the area for improved safety, resource and private property protection.
- Enhance access to the Silver Saddle Ranch and Carson River area, including Prison Hill.
Your help is needed to make the vision for Silver Saddle Ranch a reality.Your contribution will help leverage other funding from private and public sources to ensure the long-term financial independence of this effort.
Thank you for your consideration.